Pre & Post surgical exams

At Ocean Eyecare we work alongside surgical centers to perform your pre- and post-surgical evaluations for treatments like laser refractive correction (i.e. LASIK, PRK, ICL) and cataract extractions. We effectively and efficiently are able to co-manage at our clinic making the whole process as smooth and stress-free as possible for our patients.


Lasik is known as Laser Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis. During a thorough consultation, our skilled optometrists will evaluate your eye health, assess your visual needs, and determine your candidacy for LASIK surgery. We take the time to address your concerns, answer your questions, and provide personalized recommendations based on your unique circumstances.

The LASIK procedure itself is a quick and painless outpatient surgery that utilizes a laser to reshape the cornea, correcting refractive errors such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Our advanced technology ensures precise and customized treatment, tailored to your individual eye characteristics. With LASIK, many of our patients experience improved vision almost immediately, with minimal downtime or discomfort.

At [Your Optometry Practice], your safety and well-being are our top priorities. We maintain a sterile and technologically advanced surgical suite, adhering to the highest standards of cleanliness and patient care. Our ophthalmologists have extensive experience in performing LASIK surgery, utilizing the latest techniques and equipment to deliver outstanding results.

We understand that undergoing any surgical procedure can be a significant decision, which is why we are here to support you every step of the way. Our compassionate team will provide detailed pre-operative and post-operative instructions, ensuring you have a smooth and successful LASIK experience. We will also schedule regular follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and ensure the ongoing health of your eyes.

If you are ready to explore the life-changing benefits of LASIK surgery, we invite you to schedule a consultation at [Your Optometry Practice]. Discover the freedom and clarity that LASIK can bring to your life, provided by a team dedicated to your visual well-being. Your vision is our priority, and we look forward to helping you achieve your best possible eyesight through LASIK surgery.